Tuning the Bernal monolith – Mexico
On a trip to Mexico in 2019, I had the amazing experience of visiting Peña De Bernal. The monolith, one of the tallest in the world (at 1,421 ft), located San Sebastián Bernal, a small town in the Mexican state of Querétaro.

Whenever I go into nature, I always try to remember to bring my 528-hertz tuning fork with me. 528 hertz has attributed to resetting matter into its coherent expression including living organisms. Used by ancient civilizations to stimulate essential restoration of ‘original design’.
Math scientist Victor Showell describes 528 hertz as fundamental to the ancient Pi, Phi, and the Golden Mean, the reoccurring blueprint of life. In addition to introducing this frequency into nature, I also receive information in the same way when I tune individuals.
In 2016 on the Oregon coast, following a recent chem-trail induced haze, I used 528 Hz forks in tandem with another person and observed where areas of the coastline cleared up in the sky, above where we were striking forks.

At Bernal, I hiked up with my hosts past the required check-in area following multiple grouping of vendors selling various tourist type fare, and also substantial selections of all manner of stones and various forms from rough chunks to fine jewelry. There was a good flow of tourists, however, there was a discernible vibration to the location reminiscent of Sedona based on my experience, similar to areas where energetic ‘vortexes’ are. After locating a spot closer to the base, I perched onto a larger slab of stone and began striking my 528 Hz fork. In Biofield Tuning, we allow for information to drop into our awareness by maintaining a state identified by Eileen Day McKusick, biofield tuning’s founder as a highly receptive ‘hollow bone’ state.
I began to receive information related to the broader ecology and the inhabitants’ relationship to the land and the correlation to physical human health. I became aware energetically on the dramatic impact on not only the physical landscape in relationship with non-biodegradable waste and modern disposal waste in addition to the physical biochemistry and health of the population. I felt like I was connecting with the entire country and her peoples. Unwinding the devastation of colonial imperialism in the form of plastic water bottles, high-fructose corn syrup, and genetically modified, industrially produced crops. The quality of the tone of the fork evolved from a muted distorted muffled expression and over a period of 15 minutes shifted into a clear pure resonance. I noticed that my eyes unfocused and I slipped into a quiet, still trance-like state during the tuning. It was also interesting to notice the passers-by noticed and presumably heard the forks. Most quieted down and just kind of observed me there, including families with children. I saw one man give me the thumbs up and smiled at one point.
My friends returned and one of my hosts Eduardo came up to me. I immediately got the guidance to offer to use my sonic slider on him as a surrogate for the bodies on the indigenous population including the Otomí people for which he is partially descendant of. After placing the fork at the base and top of his spine, at his heart, and peak of his crown, I regrounded him with intention before sharing a hug. To my surprise, I had a profound emotional release including some tears. It occurred to me the level of connection that I had in the process and makes total sense due to the level of intention that I held in that space. As we walked down the hill, I felt considerably lighter. In retrospect, I feel in some way that tuning Bernal was a large part of my trip.

I would strongly encourage not only Biofield Tuners but all humans to begin to support healing the planet and her relationship with her inhabitants by introducing sound into the Earth with intention. Whether drums, or vocal toning, or by singing and chanting, our mother hears us and resonates in this connection, or conversation if you will. I think she knows that if we are connecting with her, we are connecting with each other, remembering the primal beat of our collective heart and consciousness.