Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy – My 1st experience

In July of 2013, I received a Quantum Hypnosis Healing Therapy session. This patented form of hypnosis is based on the work of Dolores Connon. The session included a conversation before the actual hypnosis began discussing the specific topics I wished to have my higher-self address. First, we visited a past life that would be most helpful for me to experience in my current life now. We then moved on experiencing the actual death experience. This was truly amazing and profound. The second half of the session was focused on working directly with my higher self to address specific emotional and physical imbalances as well as general feedback questions. My wonderful hypnotherapist Irina Nola provided me with amazing support and reflected the experience back to me as we debriefed the session. To be guided by her experience with this form of healing hypnosis as well as her professional clinical psychology background was a real blessing. I do feel that the healing from the session continues as it’s occurring outside linear time.
Please enjoy reading the transcript of the life we reviewed. It’s is way farther out there than I could have imagined..

I: The very first thing you see.
A: I see the ocean.
I: Take a look at it. Tell me about it. How does the ocean look?
A: There is something big underneath. I can see lights.
I: Are those lights underwater?
A: They are.
I: You know you can travel under the ocean if you want to.
A: Alright here we go.
I: You can move under the water. Would you like to do that?
A: Yeah..
I: Well lets go then. Under the water. Go see the lights and tell me what you are experiencing.
A: Well a big structure. And Um, the ocean is very clear.
I: Tell me about the structure.
A: It’s kind of round church.
A: It looks sorts like a round church. Like a bubble sort of.
I: Is it transparent or not transparent.
A: It is (transparent)
I: Can you see what is on the inside?
A: Its a city. Umm
I: Mmm how interesting. Lets go inside. Would you like to go inside and explore it?
A: Yeah.
I: Can you penetrate through the transparent shell? Is there some kind of opening? Or can you just go through it?
A: Oh, we can go in.
I: OK, lets go in.
A: There are really beautiful buildings on the inside.
I: How do they look?
A: They are shaped kind of curved (long pause) Umm gothic looking sort of organic.
I: Are there any details or decorations on the buildings?
A: They look kind of Arts & Craftsy, like growing organic things but harder.
I: How tall are the buildings?
A: Some of them are very high and tall. You can just feel the energy in there.
I: What kind of energy do you feel?
A: Like deep pulsing.
I: Is it like pulsing energy.
A: Mmm, (affirm)
I: Is there some kind of music or vibration? Do you hear anything there.
A: Yeah, sort of like ambient harp music. I hear kids, little ones.
I: Oh there are kids there?
A: Uh Huh (affirm)
I: Tell me about the kids.
A: (Laughs)
I: What do they look like?
A: Oh, they are so sweet.
I: Do they look human or something else.
A: No they are human kids, mostly, mostly.
I: Ok, what are they wearing?
A: They wear light clothes. Some wear little tunics.
I: What do they do?
A: They are playing games.
I: What kind of games are they playing?
A: They are moving things.
I: On the ground? How are they moving things? With their hands or minds?
A: No, minds.
I: Oh, their minds. Are they good at it?
A: (laughs) Oh very good at it.
I: Well tell me more about it. What sort of things are they moving?
A: Ahh, they are moving little balls.
I: How high can they move them?
A: Well, they should keep them low, but some times they shoot them up high, which is not good. Sometimes they get a little rowdy.
I: How old are these kids? How old do they look?
A: Some that are about 4 to 7.
I: 4 to 7, OK. Can you look at yourself? You can start from your feet or are you in a body or in sprit form? If you don’t see a body that’s ok..
A: Well I think I am outside of the city. And umm, I am a technician.
I: How are you dressed? in your body are you male or female?
A: I am a male, in a suit.
I: What kind of suit?
A: Kind of porous rubber, kind of organic suit.
I: What color is it?
A: Blue.
I: Does it have any insignia or symbol on it?
A: Um, well it has a little round circle with some other things on the inside so people know what I do.
I: So it is a kind of uniform with symbols of status?
A: Umm, (affirm)
I: Have a good look at this so when you come out of your experience you can draw it. Remember the visual so you can reproduce it. How old does your body feel? Are you young, old, middle aged?
A: About 36.
I: Are wearing anything on your head? Do you have hair?
A: I have long hair?
I: What color?
A: Blonde.
I: It’s blonde?
A: Mmm (affirm)
I: Is it braided or pony-tail? Or just long hair?
A: Just long hair.
I: Do you have any kind of hat to go outside in the water or anything?
A: When we go outside into the water I have to have a suit, and a head-piece on.
I: Oh, so when you are inside the shield. You are breathing air, right?
A: Mmm (affirm)
I: When you go back into the water, you have to wear the suit?
A: Mmm (affirm)
I: When you go outside to travel, how do you go in the water? Do you have some kind of submarine?
A: Mmm (affirm). We have a little ship. A little ship for me, and another person.
I: Oh, a little car?
A: Yeah.
I: Like a little water car. OK. But you need to have air in the water. You can’t breathe water?
A: No.. Some people learn to do that, but not me.
I: Do you ever go scuba diving? Do you have a suit or do you just go in the water? Do you have some suits? Alright, lets’ go to the city. And tell me about the city. How long have you been living in this place?
A: (laughs), All of My life.
I: You were born there. How many people live there approximately?
A: Many thousands.
I: Thousands? So, a big city.
A: Very big.
I: OK. How do people travel in this city? Do they walk? Do they have cars? What kind of transportation?
A: They largely walk, but there is a train system on the inside.
I: OK.
A: The parents go drop the kids off.
I: Do you have any devices to move in the air? In this city can you fly from place to place?
A: There are little disks that people use.
I: Mmm
A: Bit its not so common, they are still leaning about that.
I: I want you to take whatever transport you want, and go to the place you work. Can we do that?
A: Yeah, well, uh. So I go into the ocean and take samples.
I: Uh Huh
A: Then come back.
I: What kind of samples do you take?
A: Well, coral and water and earth changes that happen.
I: Alright. And when you get these samples, where do you take them?
A: Back to the lab.
I: Where is the lab?
A: Underneath, the city.
I: So you go underneath and drop them off for testing? Where?
A: So there is a little entrance underneath the city.
I: Do you get there from underneath the city or the water?
A: The water, then you go underneath and it opens up.
I: Ok, give me a visual. So I know how it looks. Is there a tunnel?
A: So you see lights, so we know which side of the city to go underneath.
I: Ok, and then you see the lights open up.
A: And uhh, a little door opens up. And um, you have to be careful because of the pressure change.
I: So you have to go through a decompression chamber.
A: Mmm (affirm)
I: So you have to stay for a while?
A: Mmm (affirm). It is very important that we bring these things back on time.
I: Yes, why is it so important?
A: Because they are seeing things change.
I: How do things change?
A: Well plants and animals indicate when things are about to change. And they are seeing some big things happen. And the scientists do some pretty interesting things to find out that information. We mostly do the collection.
I: So you do the technical part of it? OK?
A: Mmm (affirm)
I: Can you look at the scientists you are working with?
A: Mmm, (pause) not all of them are human.
I: Oh really? How interesting. Tell me about the humans and non-humans.
A: The ones that aren’t human have a blue cast. They came from the water and know more than we do.
I: So they can breathe underwater?
A: That’s where they came from.
I: Where did they come from originally?
A: Well they came from the starts but they are partly us.
I: OK. Do they live with the humans or have their own chambers?
A: They limit their contact with the rest of the city.
I: Where do they live?
A: They live underneath.
I: They live underneath the city?
A: Yeah.
I: Do they go to their quarters? What do they look like?
A: I have seen light but there are things we do not really need to see.
I: Ahh
A: But we trust them.
I: Do they have the same gender system or a different kind of system?
A: It’s ahh, not as pronounced.
I: So androgynous?
A: Yeah, they are gendered, but with no genitalia like we do.
I: OK, how do they reproduce?
A: Energetically..
I: OK, so they create the offspring energetically? Interesting. Do they need food or just consume energy.
A: Mostly energy, but there is prana in the water. They need the water,  it is very important to them.
I: Oh, do they ever go the surface of the city?
A: Very rarely, so they have their own technicians that they work on for chambers for people to go into for healing.
I: So when they go into the water, do they need a suit? Or any kind of breathing apparatus, or can they just do into the water?
A: They just go (into the water). They breathe the Qi, they don’t even take in air the way we do.
I: OK. Do they get the Qi through some sort of gills or is it through osmosis? Or basically through the skin?
A: Well, it’s mostly through their skin, they don’t have lungs the way we do.
I: How do they look like? Do they look humanoid?
A: Mmm, they have humanoid bodies, but their eyes are different. And they don really speak, so..
I: So how do you communicate with them?
A: It’s with our brains.
I: So telepathically.
A: Yeah.
I: OK, so whom do you give the samples to? To a person or to these scientists?
A: We work directly with them. Yeah, they have worked with us, so we know what they are looking for.
I: So it looks like there is some symbiosis between the two? So how do they call themselves? What would be the right work to call them.
A: The closest thing would be the Ocean people.
I: OK, Ocean people. What do the Ocean people get out of this interaction with the humans?
A: Well, they are us in the future.
I: I understand. So are they doing it for purely altruistic reasons or for the human race or.. Something for themselves?
A: They have to make sure that there is enough time for this place to be here. Because if it does not stick around long enough, then their own growth will not happen.
I: So you are in their past time? So they need to preserve the timeline for the race to manifest itself?
A: Or more that they would still be there, but they need to make sure we have enough time to do the work that we have to do.
I: Do they time travel?
A: Yeah, that is how they got here.
I: So they got here from the future?
A: Yeah.
I: Do you have any idea in human chronology when this city is? Is it far in the past or in the future, or the 21st century?
A: No, It’s in the past.
I: So how far in the past is it? If it doesn’t some to you, that’s OK.
A: Umm.. before Greek culture, but after the pyramids, but..
I: How is it in relation to Atlantis? Is it before or after?
A: I want to say it is proto Atlantis. So, cause it is not above ground, it’s under this city is. It’s under but it’s part of that culture, but very specific about what it is doing. There are things that Atlantis had that was very similar, but we where there to protect these beings in the city. And I am very attached to these beings.
I: How long do these beings live? What is their lifespan?
A: Many hundreds of years.
I: How long do the humans live? How long do you expect to live?
A: About 200.
I: Out of those 200 years how long do you expect to go to school?
A: Depends on your job.
I: How long did you study?
A: Well, I am still in school (laughs).
I: Oh? You are still in school? Oh, so you are doing some kind of internship?
A: Yeah, but they know how much I love them.
I: OK.
A: So that is as important as the knowledge cause they, they look inside. Your job is determined by what is inside your heart.
I: So they pretty much know about you. So can you tell, when you have a child, how do they determine what kind of skills you have? For the job, they teach you?
A: Well, the mothers will come and bring their child to a sort of temple. They bring their child into a spot that they basically scan their being.
I: How do they scan?
It is a crystal.
I: A crystal?
A: Yeah, so the mother has to go because she trusts them. She is outside the temple at this point. What happens is that these beings see what’s in the child’s path.
I: OK.
A: And they also see what they came with and from. And then they meet with the mother, and father if he wants to come.
I: Are the children born in the natural human way or are they basically genetically engineered?
A: No, it’s more on a spirit level that the humans mate. And when they do that they consciously call in spirit.
I: Where does the spirit come from?
A: Well, wherever they are called from to come in.
I: What are the other options they can come from? Do they come from other places?
A: Uh Huh (affirmative), Oh yeah from different galaxies. Yeah, they are here for this project.
I: Tell me more about this project. It seems very interesting, what is this project all about? What is the reason?
A: Well, it is there now.
I: These beings are there now? And are the humans still there now?
A: No. just the beings the Ocean people. They are holding the space and energy.
I: Let’s stay in the time that you were there. Tell me all about this project, I am very curious about this. Well if you don’t know much about it, maybe ask one of the Ocean people.
A: Well it’s vibration, It’s all vibration. It’s like a tuning fork, but not like one. So if you, if you have something that is vibrating, you need a fork to amplify or resonate.
I: Alright. Why would you  need to amplify it?
A: Because the universe is listening. Because we need to amplify what is happening here.
I: Why is the universe listening? Just for information? Is the vibration important for survival?
A: Well they want to see what happens.
I: They want to see what happens?
A: This doesn’t happen all of the time.
I: So, what is so unique about it that is does not happen all of the time?
A: Well, it’s the biggest diversity from all over. It’s the biggest mix of spirit and energy at one place at one time.
I: So to your knowledge there is not that much diversity in one place? That many species in one place?
A: No, not in one time.
I: It’s like a meeting hub. Right? Why is it so important to come to one place? Why is diversity so important?
A: Because we are learning about equity. We are acting out that ethic.
I: Let’s learn a bit more about the city and it’s customs. First off, let’s move to the place you live.
A: Mmm (affirms)
I: Let’s go to that place now. Tell me about it.
A: It is very soft. I get to walk, because it is close to where I work. Yeah, I live alone.
I: Is a house or apartment?
A: It’s a unit.
I: So it’s like apartment houses?
A: Yeah, it is very comfortable, and when I come in..
I: How big is it?
A: A room for me to sleep in and a meditation room. There is a large bathroom where I get to soak. Sound is so important there.
I: So your bath tub vibrates and makes sounds? Or is it just the water?
A: The whole house does, so when I walk in. I can change the sounds to whatever mood I am in.
I: So do you do this with your mind? Or do you need to press some buttons?
A: Right now I press buttons.
I: Tell me more about your technology or gadgets you have. It would be interesting to hear about.
A: In that room, the meditation room, I have some different crystals for different things.
I: OK.
A: And if you shine light through you will see different things for different crystals.
I: Do these crystals do some sort of healing?
A: Oh, yes.
I: Well, why don’t we experience it? Why don’t you go into your meditation room in your beautiful ocean city. And you can experience the healing energy of the room for a while? Tell me how you put them on?
A: I arrange them all around me. And um close the door so it’s very dark. Then the room knows what I need to do so it senses me. And when I make the right sound the lights shine through the crystals.
I: Can you make the sound?
A: Ohhmmmmmmmmmm….
Then the lights come up.
I: OK, let the light come up. Do you see the lights on different parts of your body?
A: It comes to a point above my head. All the different lights do.
I: So they all come to a point above your head?
A: Mmm (affirms)
I: What happens after that?
A: I just sit.
I: Does it touch your body at all?
A: No, it doesn’t need to.
I: Oh, interesting. Let’s let it do the healing on this body? You have good feelings and take deeps breaths allow for the healing to occur. Tell me what is happening? What do you see?
A: It is very purple. Indigo.
I: What do you feel? If it doesn’t come to you, that’s OK.
A: It’s clearing.
I: What is it clearing?
A: Clears out the fear.
I: So, it clears out the fear. What shade is it?
A: Almost an Indigo, so a bluish purple.
I: Is it dark?
A: No, it’s more light.
I: Do you feel that there is a place in the body that it is located at? What purpose in your body?
A: Yeah, it does it through all of my chakras.
I: So is the purple light healing almost complete? While it is happening, you can tell me more about this purple light. It should be very interesting for Andrew to hear about this in the future.
A: I am sad that the city will go away and it is not there.
I: Do you know how long it will take for the city to go away?
A: Mmmm (long pause)
I: Is it soon? Or sometime in the future?
A: We know living there that it won’t stay. It is so beautiful. I mean l love these people deeply. (tears up)
I: Do you know why this place has to go away?
A: Cause the changes, the changes on the planet.
I: What kind of changes?
A: The ocean chemistry changes.
I: OK, so it wouldn’t be able to support this kind of life?
A: Umm No.
I: So what will happen with all of the of the people here? Do they get relocated or moved? Or do they just stop living?
A: No they vibrate. They will just put us in a different spot for a while and we get to finish up the adventure somewhere else.
I: Or are they taking their bodies or are they leaving their own.
A: We will be in our bodies.
I: OK, so you won’t have to leave your bodies to move. OK, are you still working with the purple light?
A: No, I am good. I am done.
I: Do you see more light?
A: Just a concentration of white light above my crown.
I: What does the white light do?
A: It receives.
I: What does it receive?
A: Mmmm, just bliss.
I: Do you feel that there is more to complete?
A: We are good.
I: Nice. Do you unplug the crystals or is it a command? Or do you need to push some buttons?
A: It’s good the system knows I am good so it turns itself off.
I: That is such a wonderful thing. I would really like Andrew to remember this and be able to recreate his meditation. To see and feel this place of healing, so he can go back to this place and use his crystal healing. Shall we move out of this room into his apartment? Into the beautiful ocean city. I would like you to get dressed to go out into town. What do you usually do in tour free time?
A: Mmmm (laughs)
I: Put on some party clothes, let’s go to a party!
A: (Smiling) I wear a purple shirt. I wear shorts, and um I don’t wear shoes very often.
I: So? Barefoot?
A: Oh, I wear sandals. But I don’t like shoes.
A: And uh, Oh, I am so loved.
I: You are so loved. Let’s go to the party and have some fun. What do you do for fun? What do you do when you don’t have to go to work. When you don’t have to go work the next day? Party all night, let’s see what you do with your friends? Tell me about the friends you meet.
A: Well so sound is so important here.
A: It’s everything and you can hear the beat outside of this building. And it’s a very big festival. And people are drinking different things that are different colors.
I: So they are trying different drinks?
A: Yeah, So they make you feel differently.
I: Oh? What are they made of?
A: Uh, well you infuse them with different energies. Oh, well it’s a different feeling, so some will make you feel giddy or make you laugh.
I: Do you smoke anything?
A: No, there is no fire here.
I: No, you just drink the liquids?
A: Yeah, it’s all about the sound.
I: Are they infused with sound? Are you actually drinking sound?
A: Well each emotion has a unique vibration.
A: So different decanters will have a different vibration.
I: So when you are with your friends do you drink some of the same color so you tune-in to the same emotion.
A: No, sometimes we watch each other. So we get to see how each (laughs) one or that one responds.
I: Do like people dance?
A: So they do, but it’s more like a trampoline.
I: So it is a trampoline. So can they actually fly on this trampoline? Is it an energetic field that is like zero gravity?
A: Yeah, if you turn it up and have more tension correctly it could do that.
I: Yeah, do you see that people doing that?
A: Yeah, it looks amazing, it’s like kids playing, but they are adults.
I: Do you see both men and women? Or just guys?
A: No, it’s everyone. Umm, I don’t feel this kind of joy in this life, I just don’t. It’s so rare.
I: In that life in the ocean, how do your friends call you? Do you get any sound or name?
A: Josana
I: So, Josana,
A: Yes.
I: Alright at this party with trampolines do you feel attracted to anybody?
A: I don’t, I really don’t.
I: How do does it work finding a mate? Or do you go around it?
A: Hmm..
I: Do they actually date and fall in love? Are marriages arranged? What are you getting? Is there any sexual attractions?
A: It’s energetic. It’s energetic, so it’s all about vibration.
I: So how do you go around it, so some elders..
A : No, no, you will just see young couples vibrating with one another and tuning in. Because it’s beyond and equal to the physical, energetic, and emotional.
I: So in Josana’s life do they have one partner or many and different partners?
A: Some have many, some have one. Usually when they mate and make a chills they mate for a long time for the child.
I: Do they mate just males and females? Or are there men with men and women with women?
A: It all depends on the vibration. So depends on peoples energies.
I: So is homosexuality accepted?
A: Yeah, it is, but it’s not that common there.
I: It’s not that common?
A: No, cause here it’s about, the mission is about the city OK. So pro-creation is important. But you know that young people will sex with people of the same gender and that’s normal and common.
I: So, if there are males and females, how do they protect themselves from having children?
A: You can’t make a baby without the energetic side.
I: Ah, OK.
A: You have to go through the whole process. Ok, children are not born unless they are invited.
I: So are you still 36 years old? I would like to ask if you have children or a mate?
A: No, I don’t make babies, my job is very clear.
I: OK, do you meet someone in this life that becomes a mate?
A: No, no. I am like in the military sort of. I am enrolled in service.
I: Yeah, so is it a part of your contract?
A: Yeah (slowly) I can’t be a father and do the job.
I: Oh, because to be a father would require a commitment.
A: Correct.
I: Yeah, so are you allowed to have lovers?
A: Sure (smiling)
I: Tell me about your lovers?
A: I like rowdy women
I: You like rowdy women?
A: Yeah, I like rowdy women.
I: OK, so in this society are genders equal or are men in control?
A: No, women are more powerful.
I: Oh?
A: Yeah, that’s why mothers bring their child into the chamber.
I: Ok, so women are more important. So in general can you give me an idea what is considered  more masculine or effeminate in this life? So if they were to say ‘all men are.. or all women are. What is the womanly or manly thing?
A: It’s a little different because woman are the seers and umm, make the decisions. Yeah, I mean men are more of a supporting role, so you will find more men take care of the children. And that women are making more of the big decisions .
I: So do you have some kind of government or council? how is the city run?
A: Mmm, well there is a core group that speaks with the blue people. The Ocean people. And the feedback from the people. They take the feedback, but it doesn’t really change the decisions.
I: So the decisions are pretty much made by the Ocean people?
A: Well, yes. Pretty much the, Umm, it’s sort of you want to limit the amount of information, because you wouldn’t want to overwhelm them.
I: OK.
A: So it’s like meeting your future self, and for a lot of people that would be really hard.
I: OK, so how about the buildings or how is transport laid out? What about city planning decisions?
A: Hmm, no, it’s energetic vibration, pretty much things are in a state of trust pretty intensely, it’s like that. It’s more about the plan, the mission on the city.
I: So pretty much the city is committed to the plan.
A: Well so you are there, you are there. There is very little conflict because everyone is invited, and everyone wants to be there.
I: So you ever met anyone that made the decision to move out?
A: No, this place is so unique because people have consciously arrived and invited.
I: Have you ever been to the surface to the land or have you been in this place all of your life? Or have you left?
A: I have been to the surface of the ocean, but that’s it. The vibration is so different here.
I: OK, So we are going to move forward in time to an important date. A very important date, a very important date in this life, in this existence. 1-2-3.. What are you getting?
A: Love (heavy sigh), I am watching a birth.
I: Of a baby? What does it look like?
A: I am all emotional, it is so beautiful.
I: Please describe this for me. It’s an energetic birth right?
A: It’s physical as well.
I: Yeah so, it’s energetic at the same time?
A: This is a childbirth,
I: Oh, so this is a childbirth, OK.
A: Yeah.
I: Can you see how the soul comes into the body? Can you see the energetic or psychical?
A: It’s when the body of the child comes out of the mother and breathes air. And this is my sister. It’s my sister giving birth.
I: OK. So how many people in the room?
A: 5 or so the father and some others. Yeah, so it’s the closest I get to being a papa.
I: So in this scene do we see anyone from Andrew’s life, right now.
A: I don’t think so.
I: OK. So what happens when the child is born? What happens next?
A: We tone. We tone to the child. And so we tone very low and very sweet.
I: And so the child responds?
A: Oh, yes.
I: How does the child respond?
A: They settle. After they have their initial cry. They settle.
Mmm (affirm). What happens next? Where is the child taken? Is it close to the mother? Is she breastfeeding?
A: She is exhausted.. (laughs) so no, not yet. There is a pink light that comes on a people leave. I am there with the father.
I: This is a beautiful scene. I will count to 3 and you will go to the next important scene 1-2-3. Let’s do to the next important scene. What are you sensing?
A: The earth is moving
I: The earth is moving?
A: Yeah.
I: Are you still underwater?
A: Yes, I have my suit on.
I: So you have your suit on?
Mmm (affirms) People are scared.
A: People are scared.
I: Did they have any warnings that this was going to happen?
A: Yeah, they knew, so they already knew, and they are in their spots, but  they are very scared.
I: Is there any kind of evacuation plan?
A: No, because it will pass. The earth will be fine, these are just the shifts.
I: So you know this will not destroy the city?
A: Yeah, they put me, like I am a protector. So when they say they need to feel protected, put the suit on so people know they are protected.
I: OK, so what are you doing? Just monitor and make sure it’s ok? So there is no immediate danger, it will just be unpleasant?
A: Mmm (affirms) Just scary for people.
I: What do you do to help people feel more relaxed?
A: Check on them, go in there and say ‘Are you OK?’ And seeing me makes them feel better.
I: Because you have a position providing protection?
A: I am older now.
I: How old are you?
A: Like 120.
I: Oh, so you are much older?
A: Mmm (affirms) These people have known me a long time.
I: OK, so what is your position now? Are you still a technician?
A: Oh, I teach the younger ones that come up now.
I: Oh, you are a teacher?
A: I keep them on their process.
I: Can you see the place? Is it a college in the city?
A: It’s in the lab.
I: It’s still in the lab, underneath.
A: So not everyone goes underneath.
A: Things are more serious now.
I: Why are they more serious?
A: Because it has to happen, this has to happen. It’s important for moving forward, and that has become clear.
I: OK, so let’s go to the next important scene. OK 1-2-3. We will go to next important scene and you will tell me what is going on.
A: We are getting ready to leave.
I: Tell me about it. Where are you going?
A: We will go through a portal. And at this time all of the humans know who the ocean people are, everyone knows.
I: How does the portal look?
A: It requires that we all tone together. And they are all around us. So the ocean people are all around us, but it means we have to tone. We have not had children born for many years.
I: Of course.
A: They have to be old enough to go through.
I: Tell me about this process. Does the whole city go together?
A: No, well yes, a lot of people go together. It makes it easier to go as one.
I: OK, I understand. Tell me about the process, it is very interesting.
A: So that took practice to tone and a lot of preparation so that people had to be very focused and clear. And there is nothing left of the city. Is is just organic material. No remnants or our individual lives.
I: OK, so it was important to destroy all of the stuff?
A: Yes, very important. Well this is what is left now. And so the vibrating starts in the middle and there are vey specific people in the middle that starts the vibration. And then it moves out. And as it reaches out it goes to the people on the outside.
A: Is starts to create a wave of sound.
I: A wave of sound, OK.
A: And once it reaches the people on the outside, the ocean people. They know how to craft it so we are actually moving and resonating to the same frequency to move through.
I: What happens to the physical matter with this vibration? Are there changes to the physical matter?
A: It’s as if it goes and whets sucked up, and then it goes to a central point, and then it’s gone. But it’s very intense.
I: I can understand that.
A: It’s like you are catching a wave.
I: And what happens with your body? It goes with you? Where are you going?
A: To finish it out. To finish the project.
I: Describe the experiences, are there changes in color? Change in texture? Are you moving from one place to another?
A: We are. And when you get there, you are very tired. And we are on a ship.
I: Oh, now you are on a ship? Ok, what does the ship look like?
A: Is organic.
I: OK.
A: And we sleep for quite some time.
I: So you are tired after doing this. So relax, go deeper and deeper. Get some sleep.. So I will count to 3 and you will wake up on this ship. And we will find out what is going on. 1-2-3. And you are in the moment and wake up on the ship. You have energy and you are well rested and back. And now we are going to explore this ship. What do you see on this ship, what’s going on?
A: There are so many people here.
I: Are you all on one big ship? Or on several ships?
A: I think this is one big giant ship. this is one floor of many.
I: Alright so it is like a sea turtle underwater right?
A: No, it’s in space.
I: Oh, it’s in space?
A: We are not on the planet.
I: Oh, in a spaceship? Where are you? Tell me about this it is very interesting.
A: So they are seeding us now. They will be putting us somewhere else.
I: So you are going to some other planet? Umm, alright, where are you moving to?
A: We are going to be on land now.
I: Where do you have a home?
A: Well we are still traveling to get there.
I: So let’s speed it up, speed up the time. Let’s go to when you arrive at your destination. 1-2-3. The spaceship arrives at it’s destination. What are you getting?
A: Well, there is fire on this planet. Which none of us have seen before.
I: Oh, you have never seen fire before?
A: No.
I: Ok. Is the whole planet on fire or just, just there.
A: Just present, we have never seen it before. So yeah, we just have such a different relationship to the planet we are on.
I: What kind of relationship is it?
A: Well it’s a very mature planet.
I: Does it have a civilization there?
A: A little bit.
I: What kind of beings are on this planet?
A: More of light, they really don’t have bodies so much.
I: OK.
A: So it’s a little different for us. And it’s just such a different sensation to us to not be in the water.
I: Can you move on the surface of this planet? Or are you underwater?
A: Oh, no we are on the surface. Yeah, it just feels different.
I: And you breathe air there?
A: We can, so it is similar. There are big hills and valleys.
I: Do they have trees?
A: They so have trees and a lot of things growing.
I: How do the trees look?
A: Some are more thin and tall, and some are some stout. You really feel plants in a way we hadn’t before. I mean the planet talks to us in a way we hadn’t experienced before. There are 2 suns.
I: What color are they?
A: Ones orange and ones red.
I: Are they in the sky at the same time or does one do down and the other one come up?
A: Sometimes they synch up, and other times they don’t.
I: Do they have seasons?
A: Yeah, but very slight.
I: So it’s pretty much the same all the time?
A: Yeah.
I: What’s the temperature like on this planet?
A: It’s pretty warm, we are used to that. And so it’s a little puzzling why we are here.
I: Can we find out by asking one of the leaders of the group for this body?
A: Yeah.
I: Maybe the commanders of the ship?
A: Yeah, they are gone. They are gone so.
I: They just left you?
A: Yeah, these energetic beings are the one we connect with now.
I: OK.
A: So we are going to transition from this planet. No more babies will be born here.
I: So is it a stopping over place? Or..
A: No. This is it. When we leave our bodies, this is it.
I: So basically that is where you live out the rest of your lives? And you will die?
A: That’s right.
I: How do you fell about that?
A: The change has been sad a bit. and a little hard, you know.
I: How old are you now?
A: I am getting very old now. I am a little tired.
I: You are probably one of the oldest people in the party, right?
A: Mmm, yeah.
I: Do you see a lot of the students you teach?
A: Umm.
I: Younger relatives.
A: Umm.
I: Are you still in a position of being a teacher?
A: I am one of the ones that talk to the energetic beings.
I: Let’s see how you settle here on this planet. Did you build some kind of city?
A: Well it’s pretty mild here.
I: Did you build any structures?
A: Yeah it’s pretty clear that we don’t need to build much to be here. And it’s not about building. We don’t have a lot of energy left. This is about moving on and leaving our bodies and going to the next adventure.
I: So how do you plan to do it? Just 1 by 1 or a group ascension together?
A: No, we have very elaborate rituals for departure.
I: OK.
A: And so that becomes a very big piece.
I: OK, I will count to 3 and you will go to the last day of your life, OK? And tell me all about your departure out of this life. OK, 1-2-3. SO maybe we can say several days leading up to this ritual. So, I want you to tell me about this ritual and what you are experiencing as you transition from this physical body into a spirit body. You will experience it very vividly and will not experience anything unpleasant. If you don’t want to be in your body, you can experience it as a movie if you want to. You will not experience any kind of discomfort. Tell me about your transition.
A: So I am surrounded by my people. And they now I need to go, and it’s OK. For some this is a new experience to see someone pass.
I: Ok, how do you prepare yourself? Do you need to go into some meditations or chanting?
A: Umm yeah, so it becomes clear that I am coming close to passing. And as it happens when we are brought into the world we tone. So it is when we leave it we tone.
I: And so it helps you transition kind of.
A: Uh Huh (affirms) So I begin to fell really light.
I: So you are leaving your body?
A: Yeah.
I: How does that feel to leave your body, any sensations?
A: You just lift out.
I: What is the last thought in your mind when you leave your body? The last thought, right before you leave your body?
A: Love.
I: OK, do you say goodbye to anyone in particular?
A: No, they all know, It’s OK.
I: Let’s go through this transition, just experience it. To leave your body and transcend to a spiritual world. Tell me when you pass.
A: I feel it right around my abdomen.
I: Take your time, allow yourself to go through this transition. You will feel it, profoundly.
Approx 2 minutes pass
A: So now I am just watching.
I: Just watching? what do you see? So are you looking from the spirit’s perspective?
A: Uh Huh (affirms)
I: Do you see the body?
A: Yeah, and all of the people.
I: What do they do with the body?
A: They burn it.
I: With fire, I understand. Is there a ceremony?
A: It’s very quiet. And then they take the ashes and plant with them. And now I am leaving the planet.

© Andrew McIlrath 2015